This list shows almost every movie and TV show available on the day of release for the upcoming Disney Plus streaming service, according to @StitchKingdom on Twitter. People living in the U.S., Canada, and the Netherlands will be able to start streaming on Nov. 12 for $6.99 USD per month.
Absent from the list are the originals only available on Disney Plus, including the highly anticipated live-action Star Wars series, The Mandalorian.
The initial offering seems pretty kid heavy and full of titles you may already have stacked on the shelf with the rest of your DVDs, but classic Disney fans, parents, and Marvel Connoisseurs may find it worthwhile. It’s worth considering the fact that this is the newborn version of the service, and with Disney swallowing up every studio on the planet, it could very well grow into the dominant streaming channel.
Also it’s got The Simpsons catalogue, which must make up at least 15% of everything on Netflix combined. Here’s what we got so far (the list may change slightly by November):