humor 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 108 Everyone remembers that one terrible teacher who should’ve never had that job (22 GIFs) by: Brady In: Captions, FAIL, Humor, school Nov 22, 2019 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 108 1GIF brefromsc My Sex Ed teacher in 7th grade did nothing but talk about how she makes her own makeup. She literally didn’t even go over condoms. A lot of kids ended up pregnant by time we hit freshman year. -brefromsc 2GIF Etereas One just didn’t like me and decided to fart in my face while walking past my chair three times. -Etereas 3GIF Gummay Dude would make students cry in class and tell them “you don’t even understand the basics of screenwriting, how the fuck is it possible you’re even in this class” or the classic “i didn’t know they let stupid into classes like this”. -Gummay 4GIF NoRegertsWolfDog I had a geometry teacher who literally used the ‘smart kids’ to teach by using packets. Like she didn’t even understand the concept of what she was supposed to be teaching. -NoRegertsWolfDog 5GIF Miniboss04 This year one of my teachers showed up to school drunk and he started making fun of students in the lunchroom. The best part is he was a new teacher and it was like his third week in school. He was fired after this incident. -Miniboss04 6GIF LonelyPauper Had a high school Spanish teacher who had big fake breasts and she played favorites with everyone. If you kissed her ass and were one of the cool kids, good grades. If you were weird or not into her, she failed your ass. -LonelyPauper 7GIF joshjj25 In 5th grade, our substitute teacher told me and a buddy that we were on her ‘death-list’ cause we talked a lot. Let’s just say she doesn’t teach anymore. -joshjj25 8GIF Rasberry26 Taking sciences in Uni and had a professor that tried to tell the class that humans are the only species that can yawn. The guy was fired for having sexual relations with a student as far as I’m aware. -Rasberry26 9GIF Incidentalomatous My 2nd Grade teacher. I always had terrible penmanship, but we had to write a report, she said my report was so bad and illegible that she was going to have to tell the principal and that I was going to be expelled… From 2nd grade. -Incidentalomatous 10GIF UnkleGriff He would say “write this down, this is the best answer/ explanation for this question” then skip 20 mins forward to when he was marking the questions and a meltdown would ensue because we wrote the wrong answer and he didn’t know where we possibly could have got it from. -UnkleGriff 11GIF Jambi420 Grade 9 science teacher told us that physics and chemistry used to be harder but they had to make the subjects easier so that girls could do it. -Jambi420 12GIF TheMudbloodSlytherin Fourth grade. My glasses broke but not too big of a deal bc I sat in the front row. She moved me to the back of the class and told the girl next to me she was NOT allowed to tell me what it said. Hey Mrs. Johnson… Fuck you. It’s been 24 years and this still upsets me. -TheMudbloodSlytherin 13GIF Nugget_Lovers My 5th-grade teacher would routinely stand on top of her desk and screaming at us like we were shit. -Nugget_Lovers 14GIF delta6one5 Math teacher failed me in HS because I turned in a project a day before it was due. Also gave me after school detention for it as well for “not putting any effort into it”. -delta6one5 15GIF Icedcoffeeee For context. I went to catholic school in the 90s’. The teacher hated one of the students and bullied him whenever possible. I don’t remember what the trigger was, but one day the teacher just lost his shit and sort of half-choked, slammed Patrick up against the chalkboard. Lifting him completely off the ground. -Icedcoffeeee 16GIF OtherAcctWasBanned11 Gym teacher in high school. Roided up and dumb as a rock. Refused to sign off on doctors notes students would bring in to be excused from gym class. Which was interesting when he did it to a girl on crutches. To this day one of the biggest assholes I’ve ever encountered. -OtherAcctWasBanned11 17GIF llamalex133 My fifth grade teacher threatened to suspend me because I openly stated I didn’t want to be partners with my bully, and according to her I was “making him feel bad” -llamalex133 18GIF ikh20709 The teachers used to use whipping cane as disciplinary tools. Those cane usually split and splintered at the tip or body, making it more painful. -ikh20709 19GIF WoodenAdvisor When I was 12-13 I was admitted to the hospital for a few weeks because I was very sick. This was before the time of mobile phones. I did not have any contact with the outside world. I came back to school and this Literature teacher immediately gave me 2 Fs for assignments I didn’t even know existed. She even made fun of me while doing that. -WoodenAdvisor 20GIF dweeby_monkey I had an allergic reaction at school once. My teacher just told me to “calm down”. -dweeby_monkey 21GIF HoloGalaxy Wherever there’s a shitty teacher, there’s also an incredible one. On the flip side, in 10th grade, I was in the hospital for a few weeks. Once I returned to school, my Language Arts teacher stayed after school every day to help me catch up until I was back on track with the other students in the class. -HoloGalaxy 22 In honor of the GOOD teachers who give a little extra (like the story above) with Random Acts of Kindness, we’d like to introduce you to our newest charity campaign: RAK Friday. Instead of offering a massive discount on the site, we’ll be passing your savings directly to Chive Charities to give help directly to the people who need it most. As a purpose-driven company, we’ve always been dedicated to giving back to our community. From Charity Flash Campaigns to donating $1 per every tee shirt sold this year, with your help we’ve changed the lives of countless people in need. That being said, today is RAK Friday, and all customers will receive 10% off their entire order and another 10% will be donated directly to Chive Charities. Click HERE to help make the world 10% happier. 23GIF H/T Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 108
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