Yearly Archives: 2022

Top 5 user-submitted videos of July (Video)

Submit your sexy, hilarious or otherwise awesome videos to theCHIVE’s Video Contest. Each month, we’ll select a winner for a $500 prize. Those winners will be entered into our annual contest with a $5,000 grand prize. And who knows? If it’s good enough, we might just pay you anyway.


Thanks to you I got thrown out of a plane (23 Photos)

Last week, Carmen Dickman challenged me to go skydiving with her to raise money for police officers who had been killed in the line of duty in Dallas. Carmen knew I had only one major fear in my life – being thrown out of a perfectly good airplane. I begrudgingly agreed, with strings attached: I’d only jump if we raised $10,000 for the ATO (Assist The Officer), which supported the families of the fallen officers in Dallas…