humanity 182 Liked! 20 Disliked 0 What Desi can do (18 Photos) by: Brittany In: Chive Charities, Heartwarming, Humanity, Kids Feb 1, 2023 182 Liked! 20 Disliked 0 1GIF DONATE HERE. Beth and Raynal were getting used to the beeping. Every conversation, every interaction was met with an undercurrent of machine whirring and alarms that created a soundtrack for the next nine months of their lives. In the corner of the room, an impossibly small baby boy lay swaddled in a blanket, a tangle of cords and wires enveloping his body. Nurses and doctors talked in hushed voices, gingerly placing stethoscopes on tiny chests and gently folding micro-sized diapers around waists the width of your palm. Like this post? 182 Liked! 20 Disliked 0
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