In: Celebrity Tales, Chive Originals, Movies, Pop Culture, Pranks, TV
Comedians Rachel Wolfson and Mat Edgar spice up theCHIVE with jackass-ary
We were recently blessed by the presence of two comedic gods here at theCHIVE HQ. Both Mat Edgar and Rachel Wolfson decided to stop by for an interview. You might recognize Rachel from her performance in Jackass Forever. Mat has worked with Funny or Die, and is a regular at The Comedy Store. Get ready for some intimate punishing. I promise that’s not sexual, we were just stuck in our smelly studio, and I ate some gross foods.
Zach: How’s it going? Can you catch us up? How was your 4/20?
Rachel Wolfson: I don’t remember it.
Zach: That’s the best.
Rachel: I had three comedy shows that night. I didn’t repeat any jokes, so that’s a win in my book. I don’t remember the third show and apparently I hosted it.
Zach: Wow.
Mat Edgar: My last three 4/20s are like meshed into one.
Zach: That’s wild, you’re just stacking 4/20s.
Mat: I was here in Austin, but I was also in Pasadena.
Zach: Amazing.
Rachel: I’m over 4/20, I want to celebrate May 8th. May the 8th be with you.
Zach: I like that.