In: Entertainment, Interesting, Movies
Kubrick’s “The Shining” almost had a more WTF ending (12 Photos)
If there’s one film I’ll watch over and over again, it’s going to be The Shining. I’m a huge Stephen King fan and the book is a guilty pleasure of staying up all night to read it and be absolutely wrecked the next morning. The same goes for the film. I also rank Stanley Kubrick extremely high in my pantheon of awesome directors and this film is just far to unsettling to ignore, even after all these years.
Plenty of people in the years since it premiered have spent time analyzing the intricacies of the film, and what Kubrick was trying to say with it. Some theories (outlined in the awesome documentary Room 237) talk about his involvement with the moon landings, or the film serving as an apology for the genocide of Native Americans, but what really sticks out in the collective consciousness of the viewer is the ending.