entertainment 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Masters of silent film put their lives on the line for the sake of comedy (18 GIFs) by: Staff In: Entertainment, Movies, Nostalgia Jan 18, 2019 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1GIF In the days of Old Hollywood — before CGI, before sound, and apparently before a sense of fear existed — the biggest names in silent film risked life and limb for the sake of comedy. The ballsiest of those actors had to be a guy named Buster Keaton, the biggest rival of Charlie Chaplin and the proud owner of a serious death wish. Keaton’s insane stunts had a razor thin margin of error. An inch to the left, crushed by the side of a house. A slip to the right, run over by a train. I can’t even imagine how they pulled off a lot of these with nothing more than practical effects. He also had many non-life-threatening gags that are genuinely entertaining, so I included a few of those, too. Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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