Judging movies is such a subjective game. And comedies are no exception to the rule. There are “smart comedies, dumb comedies, slapstick comedies, dark comedies”…and on and on the list goes. In addition to that, what was funny & relevant changes drastically over time. Just ask some of today’s youth to go back and watch a comedy made in the ’80s and observe as their faces turn blank and emotionless. I guess us oldies are just out of touch or something, or so they say.
But I love a good comedy and I sure do miss the days where watching a popular comedy was absolutely something that drove folks to the actual theaters (rather than just streaming some second-tier movie at home. Ryan Reynolds, sorry, but I’m looking your way).
Below are some people’s absolute favorite comedies of all time. And I’ll selfishly start with mine being either ‘Stripes’ or ‘Spaceballs’ because I love both of these films so much for very different comedic styles.