entertainment 472 Liked! 13 Disliked 0 25 days of pop punk Christmas songs for your cold emo heart by: Zach In: Christmas, Entertainment, Holidays, Music Dec 1, 2023 472 Liked! 13 Disliked 0 1 I’ve lived long enough to have spent multiple Christmases alone. An ex even broke up with me on Christmas day once so…there’s that. But you know who won’t abandon you on December 25th? My Chemical Romance. You know who has the perfect soundtrack for your emo holiday by yourself? Bowling for Soup. We’ve compiled 25 pop punk songs celebrating 25 emo days of Christmas. So grab your skinny jeans, throw on some eyeliner, and get a little angsty this holiday season! Like this post? 472 Liked! 13 Disliked 0
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