entertainment 1 Liked! 1 Disliked 0 Behold: the 20 worst Christmas songs of all-time by: Sam In: Christmas, Entertainment, Music Dec 20, 2021 1 Liked! 1 Disliked 0 1 Rolling Stone loves to make lists. More than that, they love to make ‘best-of’ lists that no one agrees over. So what about a ‘worst-of’ list? It feels like we’d have a harder time agreeing on worsts than bests. Tell me if I’m wrong, but don’t you think it’s more likely that we’d all have different things we’d hate? I mean, I hate some shit for some pretty irational reasons. There are still bands I despise because my middle school girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend listened to them. Let’s see what you think. Like this post? 1 Liked! 1 Disliked 0
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