Cop takes time to talk to a black couple at the park – This is the way
As Hendy said in a post earlier this week, “It’s no secret that the world has been blanketed in a heavy fog of controversy, confusion, anger & uncertainty over the last little while. It’s gotten to the point where you seemingly can’t open up any form of social media without having to deal with it all in the palm of your hand.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself. It feels like our phones have been plagued with disheartening stories of negativity and controversy from every media outlet. But here at theCHIVE, we choose a different route – to seek out and share acts of humanity at its finest that will light a path for the world to follow..
Real change doesn’t happen with a single act, or social plug, but rather with a long and persistent display of examples that will steer us all towards a new path forward. Actions, not just well-wishes and words.
For example, earlier this week, a wholesome cop took time out of his shift to just sit, breathe, and talk about the current situation with a black couple in the park. THIS is how we move forward.