Every year, millions of people sign up for gym memberships with the idea that because payment is involved, accountability follows. If you’re one of these people, I commend you. But unfortunately, most of these folks are about five weeks away from nixing all fitness goals completely. Gyms love this. In fact, gyms are known for signing up thousands of members during the month of January – even when their gym can only hold a few hundred people at capacity. They’re betting on you to quit.
Not this time. This year, you have Chive Nation to support you through your quest of fitness glory. #ChiveFit isn’t just about working on yourself, it’s encouraging the Chivers in the same fight. If you have a friend that can use some motivation, be sure to tag #ChiveFit in their Instagram posts so they can find the social fitness movement in action.
If the rallying cry wasn’t enough to get you on your way to your lift session, here are some Chivers to follow on their Instagram #ChiveFit journey: