auto 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Your Jeep probably has a secret “birthmark” hidden somewhere on it by: Staff In: Auto, Design, Interesting May 14, 2020 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1If you own a Jeep & you see me touching it & looking at it, don’t be alarmed! I’m simply looking for the Easter egg that Tik Tok told me all Jeeps have— William (@williamfl_) May 13, 2020 To a lot of people, a Jeep is more than a vehicle. It’s like joining a fraternity. There are Jeep meetups. A special wave between Jeep drivers. That thing where they park on top of each other. It’s a culture. Some people like to make fun of it but fuck ’em. I drive a Subaru Outback (yes my friends say “oh look its Ellen Degeneres” when I pull up) but I still respect the Jeep Cult. People need to be a part of something, whether it’s a Jeep Club or a Book Club or a Star Trek Fan Club or a local Chive Chapter. Different strokes. Though I will say one of those is clearly the most fun. Anyway, because the Jeep is about more than the Jeep, the vehicle becomes an extension of its owner, so they’re all about customization. There are a buttload of different mods and decals and paint jobs people throw on their Jeeps. The manufacturer itself knows how important it is to its drivers to make their vehicles feel unique. Which is why they’ve hidden a secret easter egg on several models. Someone on Tik Tok pointed out his Jeep easter egg (I prefer the term “birthmark”) and now a bunch of Jeepers are sharing theirs. Scroll through to see what they found. Like this post? 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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