Everyone drinks Starbucks, whether it’s your morning coffee stop, a work break you take with your coworkers, or that weekend trip with your significant other, most of us have had the privilege of consuming one of their caffeinated beverages.
But today I noticed that upon finishing my Venti Caramel Frappuccino, I was hunched over in pain instead of that wired caffeinated high I was anticipating. It was probably due to the fact that I’m lactose intolerant, but it got me thinking. Is it the sugar? I’m guilty of blindly looking past the nutritional facts when it comes to some of my favorite Starbucks items. But in case you were curious, we put together just how much sugar, calories, and grams of fat are in some of the more popular drinks. After seeing the results, I then realized why I was crawled up in a ball under my desk.
Need a healthy alternative? Stick with black coffee (which I have since adopted, with a half pack of brown sugar), or a cup of unsweetened tea.
When going through all the facts, keep this in mind. It takes an 180-pound person to walk a mile to burn 100 calories.
Cinnamon Dolce
-370 Calories
-13g fat
-58g sugar