In: Heartwarming, Heroes, Humanity
Hero waiter takes a toddler on a date, so her mom can enjoy her meal (9 Photos)
Being a parent is just abut the toughest job out there. There’s a lot of late nights, missed meals, meltdowns and you can pretty much cancel your social life for the first few years after having a kid. But in the end, it’s all worth it.
But when you’re in the middle of it, sometimes it sucks. Take, for example, Katie Donaldson, from Manchester, UK. Over the holidays she wanted to meet with friends at a local pizza restaurant to catch up. Except toddlers don’t care that you haven’t seen your friends in ages, nor to they care that all you want is one.. hot… slice… of… pizza. They don’t care.
Lucky for Katie, superhero waiter Mark Quinn came to her rescue, and she shared the whole experience on her Facebook.
This guys an effing hero!