military 614 Liked! 16 Disliked 0 D-Day heroes would be PROUD…of this Heart-warming Story by: Rick In: Heartwarming, Heroes, High-Res, Inspirational, Marines, Military Jun 6, 2023 614 Liked! 16 Disliked 0 1 Today is June 6th. D-Day. Nothing can compare to storming the beaches in the face of Death. However I believe that, We still live in the beautiful land of the FREE. Our GREATEST GENERATION would be PROUD of these young Americans currently Serving the our country. (Please take 5-minutes for a quick read, that will leave you with a NEEDED warm SMILE) My very simple answer to: “Why America will WIN”…a Combat medics’ story about the HEART of U.S.A. Like this post? 614 Liked! 16 Disliked 0
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