humanity 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 154 Man bought his wife wrong-sized PJs and it changed her life forever by: Bob In: Beautiful, Heartwarming, Humanity, Inspirational Oct 18, 2017 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 154 1 Image via Imgur As a happily married man, I can say I have first-hand knowledge of how difficult it is to buy the perfect piece of clothing for my much better half. In point of fact, I actually stopped buying her clothing as a gift years back because of my myriad of failures I’d committed in both sizing and style over time. Know your lane and stay within it, my old man used to say. So when I heard the story of how one husband bought his wife the wrong sized pair of pajamas 7 years ago on Christmas day, I feared for his well-being. However, as it turns out, his mistake ended up changing the entire trajectory of both he and his wive’s lives in such an incredible way. And so the story, according to the husband, goes like this… Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 154
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