humanity 110 Liked! 2 Disliked 0 Remember Henry? Now, meet Christopher (23 Photos) by: Brittany In: Chive Charities, Heartwarming, Humanity, Inspirational, Kids Jul 19, 2023 110 Liked! 2 Disliked 0 1 DONATE HERE. Weeks before their son Christopher was born, Candace and Chad knew they were facing a lot of uncertainty. At an early ultrasound, doctors detected some abnormalities in Christopher’s development. It seemed like his limbs would be most affected, but it was hard to say for sure. “‘Your baby has a very rare bone abnormality and it has affected three of the four limbs. Unfortunately, there is no known cause. It’s just random.’ This (along with a million other things) is what the doctor told us at our 20-week anatomy scan,” Candace shared. Like this post? 110 Liked! 2 Disliked 0
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