So I am not entirely sure if this is a sociopath or psychopath but I had a child that was creepily into my pregnancy for the first 7 months. He wanted to name her, talked to my belly, etc. Then one day it clicked that I would leave and he got really close to me and whispered, “When you come out, I’m going to kill you with a hammer. I hate you.”
I was shocked, so I took him with me to the office. The LSSP asked why he said that. He replied that, “It will take her away. I want it to die so she stays here.” He was on a lot of medication for his incredibly violent tendencies. He had tried to kill his sister before by pushing her in front of a bus. His mother kept him locked in his room at night because she had found him standing over her with a knife.
Edit: The child was a Male. 10 years old. His mother agreed to have him committed after he attempted to kill a police support dog using a pair of scissors. MHMR and CPS were both involved. I haven’t seen or heard from the family since I left the district. -@Katydid2335