humor 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 52 Guy gets a vasectomy, magically trolls friends checking up on him (5 Photos) by: Ben In: Beautiful, Humor, Owned Aug 17, 2018 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 52 1 I wish I was a part of more group chat goofs. They seem like a real hoot. However, it turns out when you have an Android phone no one invites into their group because you “break the blue wall” and that’s frowned upon. LOOKING AT YOU GAMBI AND GANG. All repressed, unhealthy, white-hot hatred from not being included in group chats aside — the guy below deserves a god damned medal for the A+ goof he pulled on his group chat. After suffering minor complications following a vasectomy, his buds decided it’d be nice of them to check up on him. Despite having a really bad case of just-stabbed-in-the-balls syndrome, he pulled off a troll that was as childish as it was brilliant. Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 52
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