humor 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Hold my beer and watch this! (15 GIFS) by: John In: Humor Dec 13, 2019 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 CHIVE TV is the best and only TV for businesses! It’s swept through independent bars and massive restaurant chains alike for a couple good reasons: First, it keeps butts in seats longer, a lot longer. Bars with CHIVE TV are able to keep patrons in their bar/restaurant 22 minutes longer than those that don’t carry CHIVE TV. That’s an extra 1.3 beers per person. (Get CTV here) It also enhances the vibe at a bar – Instantly pulling people’s heads out of their phones and engaging with each other. CHIVE TV cured heads-down disorder. Oh, and it’s totally FREE. Get CHIVE TV on Atmosphere RIGHT HERE! Like this post? 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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