In: High-Res, I Miss College
theCHIVE’s Spring Break callout. Where are you going for Spring Break? (VOTING NOW CLOSED)
Let’s face it, we here at theCHIVE Headquarters, by some people’s standards, are a little too old to go on college Spring Break. But we figured if Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill aren’t too old to return to high school in upcoming comedy 21 Jump Street, theCHIVE offices could make one last trip to the rum soaked beaches to revel in what remains of our youth.
But we need your help. We want to have a CHIVE Spring Break meetup and we need to know where all our Chivers are going to be the weekend of March 9th? So if you’re spring breakin’ during this time, vote for it in the destination below. We’ll point our sails in whichever direction gets the most votes and bring theCHIVE party down to Spring Break!
[polldaddy poll=5943072]