humor 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Some of worst names people ever heard are cringeworthy at best (20 Photos) by: Bob In: FAIL, Humor, Kids Jan 10, 2020 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1GIF You know my name is Bob. My two brothers are Rick & John, and I have a sister named Laura. I guess it’s fair to say I come from a generation like so many before me that was a little bit less “creative” and a little bit more “traditional”. Sure it might be boring. But sometimes parents outthink themselves and give their kids names that will forever weigh them down. But I’ll let you decide for yourself if these names are OK for a child to be saddled with… Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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