A little lowbrow humor is just what the doctor ordered (35 Photos)
Strap yourselves in, because this ride is about to get a little bit dirty. A bit of lowbrow humor is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Endless pain cannot crush one tiny fighter’s spirit (7 Photos)
In the middle of the night, Jay’lee began to cry. Jessica jumped out of bed, her maternal instincts on high alert.
As Jessica sleepily changed her daughter’s diaper in the darkness, she couldn’t have known what was causing Jay’lee to cry. She didn’t know then, that her daughter was suffering… that she was in excruciating pain…
Lighten up with some lowbrow humor (38 Photos)
When it comes to humor, it’s best served with a side of low brow. Break out the cleaning supplies because things just got a little dirty.
This makes an awful lot of sense to me (40 Photos)
No matter what you say, you can’t argue with these. I mean, they do make an awful lot of sense.
Over-protective mom finds daughter’s “drugs” and a perfect exchange takes place (5 Photos)
What began as a simple text exchange between a mother and daughter, got escalated in a hurry after the mom found some suspicious looking pills in her girl’s room. It all started with the daughter’s simple request…
Through tragedy, young champion continues to fight (14 Photos)
After The Event, doctors prepared Matthew’s parents for the very real possibility that he would not survive. They kept using words like catastrophic and devastating, but Susan and Tom were only half-listening. They knew Matthew had it in him to fight. For the first 48 hours, they held their breath. When Matthew made it through that hurdle, they set their sights on the next milestone.
And after 8 days, he opened his eyes…
Dirty minds think alike (40 Photos)
Go ahead and get the bath ready because things are about to get dirty. Enjoy yourself a bit of lowbrow humor. You deserve it.