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Relieve Back Pain Quickly & Easily from the Comfort of Your Own Home.
What is TPR:
The Trigger Point Rocker is an advanced health and fitness device that can relieve your back pain in minutes. With 12 carefully placed pressure point knobs that line up with those trigger points on your back. To get relief, all you need to do is lie down on the TPR and squirm! As you wiggle, the TPR will massage out tightly-contracted muscles using only the weight of your body. You can even set it behind your chair to naturally improve your posture over time!
Why We Love TPR:
The device works quickly and can be used any time you like. TPR is doctor designed, doctor endorsed, helps with all kinds of back pain and has a versatile fit. Dr. Aaron Fu invented TPR originally so he could replace 6 massage tools in 1. This Must Have does it ALL and some.