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Chivettes, send us your Halloween costume photos!
We have a very special Halloween ‘Sexy Chivers’ going live on MONDAY. TheCHIVE is sponsoring our first annual scary sexy Chivette Halloween contest. Remember to snap a quick photo of yourself this weekend at your Halloween party. It could be worth some cash. First Place takes home $200, Second Place $100, Third Place: A set of Ginsu steak knives (lol).
We’ll take the top 15-20 submissions and our users will vote on the winner. Submissions must be received by 9 am EST this Monday. The winner will be announced Tuesday Nov. 2nd (the deadline has been updated btw)
The Rules:
1. Get sexy. Take photo
2. Submit your photos using our handy-dandy upload page or thechivesubmit [at] gmail [dot] com.
3. All submissions must be received by 9:00 am EST on Monday, November 1st.
(Hint: If you have ‘Hi Chive’ written on your hand/other part-of-body, your chances increase dramatically)
GUYS: If you have a scorching hot girlfriend and you convince her to submit, be sure she mentions you in her submission. If she wins, you will receive a $50 bonus from theCHIVE.