sponsored 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 100 Spread love, it’s the #RAKit way (62 Photos) by: Staff In: Awesome, Chive Everywhere, Chive Nation, RAKs Jul 24, 2014 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 100 1 We’ve been absolutely floored with the response we’ve received during RAKit Week and have loved seeing the random acts of kindness you guys have done. From sending birthday cards to a five-year-old boy with an inoperable form of cancer, to buying coffee for the person in line behind them, Chivers have made an effort to change another person’s day for the better. It’s awe-inspiring and one of the best things we’ve experienced. Chive Nation is the best community on the planet, and you’ve started something. Pass the torch and tag any kindness with #RAKit on social media – you never know whose life you could change. Keep up the good deeds, keep the faith, and Chive On! Like this post? 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 100
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