As we roll into 2021, we are aware of some house-cleaning issues that need tuning up ASAP. A couple quick fixes have already been taken care such as the Zeroed out comments on iChive. Finally, if an image has a conversation going on, you will actually know it, rather than having to guess when every comment says “0”. Another important fix, aside from the comment count, is we recently had the Disqus moderators back off on the over-censoring of curse words within the comments section. So within a healthy range of human curse wizardy, feel free to speak your heart with a polite F-Bomb and beyond. We know it’s good to get it out. Dare we say, it’s therapeutic.
Things on the horizon! We have a small team of developers on Disqus’ team looking into the issue that is affecting people’s ability to leave a photo of their choosing within a comment. Lately, users have been unable to load new gifs/images that weren’t within the post itself already, and that’s one of the greatest features of the comments section, yet as now, unless you are on a desktop you are not able to complete such a simple task. We’re told to look for a fix hopefully by week’s end. So stay tuned!
You can now add bonus gifs/photos in Disqus comments on both desktop AND our apps!! So start sending the best you got!!
And coming just down the road we are working at a multitude of new abilities on both theCHIVE and iChive that we’re damn excited about. But I will have to leave that discussion for a day very soon. For now, enjoy the simple fixes, and know more bugs are getting worked out as we speak.
Soon we’ll be running smoothly as a Squishy bottom, and that’s a dream that helps me sleep at night!