hotness 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 0 Brittany Oldehoff drops by theCHIVE office for tacos and tequila (35 HQ Photos) by: Staff In: Fuego, High-Res, Hotness, Sexy Chivers Dec 3, 2014 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 0 1 If you don’t recognize Brittany, you must be living under a rock. Not even a nice rock, like a really ignorant rock. The stunningly gorgeous Brittany Oldehoff has graced the DAR and Sexy Chivers multiple times over, and we jumped at the chance to have her in theCHIVE HQ for a photo shoot. There was only one catch. You see, a few months back, Brittany and I got into a super heated argument. Everyone here knows that I invented the taco in 2010 at my friend Derek’s house during the second commercial break of the series finale of Lost. Brittany and her friends all say that she invented the taco at the buffet onboard a half day Disney cruise from Southern North Carolina to Northern South Carolina. We decided to settle it like fancy girls, and have a no rules can’t stop won’t stop taco eating contest. Anyway, Brittany has been blowing up the internet lately, and we were ecstatic to have her in the office. She’s not only drop-dead gorgeous, she’s one of the goofiest girls to be around. Here’s Brittany Oldehoff! Category: Fuego, High-Res, Hotness, Sexy Chivers Like this post? 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 0
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