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Summer is close, and clothing is optional (39 Photos)
Once a year, we rent the biggest party boat we can find, fly in your favorite Chivettes, hire a bartender, and see what happens, clothing optional. The results are always a mixed bag of awesomeness.

Jessica & Leann: Plenty More to See Here (Video)
Behind the scenes with Jessica Colorado and Leann Selman on theCHIVE’s Valentine’s Day gallery shoot.

A Valentine’s Day a guy can get behind (28 Photos)
Valentine’s Day the only way theCHIVE knows how to do it, lots and lots of cleavage. Also your very first look at Gatsby South!

It’s time to mind the best gaps of 2015 (67 Photos)
There’s no denying that 2015 was a great year to ‘Mind The Gap.’ After scouring through thousands of photos for hours and hours, we finally narrowed it down to the best damn gaps that you’ve ever seen. Enjoy!

The sexiest chivettes of 2015 (90 Photos)
Here are the sexiest chivettes of 2015, you’re welcome! I hope everyone has an amazing and safe Christmas with your family or whoever you’re spending it with. Maybe toss back a few drinks to help, I know I will!
Happy Holidays and be safe!