“Devon’s heart has stopped. The paramedics need to know if he has any medical history!”
With the cell phone pressed tightly to his ear, Yvonne’s husband relayed his sister’s words in real-time to his stunned wife. The world blurred around Yvonne as she struggled to process the words she just heard. Could it be possible? No. It just didn’t make any sense. Her nephew, Devon, was a perfectly healthy 9-year-old boy.
They had just been hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina the weekend before. Devon, the lover of the great outdoors, avid 4×4 rider, and arcade enthusiast had never had any serious health issues. But the reality was that if Yvonne’s sister-in-law had not administered CPR and if a crew of firefighters hadn’t been passing by the house precisely when the 9-1-1 call was placed, the panicked call Yvonne and her husband received on December 2nd, 2017 could have brought news that was much worse.