entertainment 2445 Liked! 11 Disliked 0 U.S. has Star Wars, U.K. has Harry Potter… so what do Canadians have? (35 Photos) by: Stephen In: Entertainment, Movies, TV, Ya Nailed It Jun 7, 2024 2445 Liked! 11 Disliked 0 1 Via X/parismarx We northern folk tend to borrow most of our pop culture fandoms from other places. Sorry about that, eh! It just feels like every other country has a movie or TV series that basically belongs to them, but what do we have? Well, people have been sharing Canada’s equivalents to Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Mad Max, and it’s a pretty a-moose-ing list. Like this post? 2445 Liked! 11 Disliked 0
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