Prairie dogs prove they might actually be the most underrated pets (25 Photos)
When people think of pets, the usual list of animals pop to the top of people’s minds: Dogs, cats, fish, birds, bunnies, reptiles…etc. But few people have even thought to put prairie dogs on their radar, or even understand that they actually are capable of being great pets. One brave family raised a charismatic duo of prairie dogs by the name of Bing and Swarley whose photos are now all over social media. Cassidy Bryce, the proud prairie dog owner, describes the decision to try such a unique set of animals to raise: “I saw the prairie dogs at a pet store, and I researched how to take care of them for several days. Prairie dogs are not too much work, but definitely more work than most other rodents. They have a lifespan in captivity similar to dogs so you will have them for a long time.”