humanity 2762 Liked! 8 Disliked 0 Amazing Street Art That Masks The Mundane (33 Photos) by: Laura Lee In: Architecture, Art, Awesome, Design, Humanity Apr 15, 2024 2762 Liked! 8 Disliked 0 1 @tombobnyc Do you ever walk down the street and think, “Damn, I wish that radiator looked like a corncob!” or “Why can’t this trash can resemble a tiny chef holding two cute, little pizzas?” Rhetorical question. Obviously, we all want our drainage grates to look like shark teeth. Enter New York street artist, Tom Bob (Mr. Bob, if you’re nasty), who takes everyday objects, like bike racks, mirrors, and security cameras, and turns them into adorable works of art. Like this post? 2762 Liked! 8 Disliked 0
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