8 Liked! 3 Disliked 107 Apparently you can make an AK-47 out of just about anything (25 Photos) by: Bob In: Awesome, DIY, Interesting Dec 6, 2012 8 Liked! 3 Disliked 107 1 Incredible but true. One man builds an AK-47 out of a rusty old shovel. All you need is: A $2 shit shovel, a $200 romy sans-barrel AK kit, and a $30 blank. He took his time and melted down the metal shovel head and reforged it into the actual gun receiver. Now of course building this gun based on nothing but these pictures will be virtually impossible, but hopefully you will get the idea. Via Northeastshooters Like this post? 8 Liked! 3 Disliked 107
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