In: Awesome, Facts, Interesting
Turns out living near a bar might just be good for your health (4 Photos)
There’s nothing better than throwing back a few beers with your closets friends at the local watering hole. And as luck would have it, according to new Oxford University study, now it might just help prolong your life too!
According to the research, done by the Campaign for Real Ale, people who often enjoy a pint close to home are “significantly” happier, says the study. Statistically, they not only tend to have more friends, but also have a better life satisfaction, and are less likely to drink in excess. Go figure. One distinction of note in the study is between small local pubs and larger establishments, which found that the importance of increased face-to-face interactions and conversations in smaller businesses made them even more beneficial than their larger counterparts. Just think about every time you’ve ever been at a packed bar so loud and raucous that you couldn’t hear a word your friends or “SOs” were saying to you. That should help illustrate the importance of the more intimate scene.