lifestyle 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Entitled moron perfectly shut down by carpenter (26 Photos) by: Staff In: Idiot, Lifestyle, Owned Mar 6, 2019 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1GIF If you’re in a job that involves customers, that means dealing with terrible people sometimes. For workshop owner Abs Delfuego, this came in the form of a choosy beggar with the patience of a squirrel. Before we dive into the exchange, Delfuego explains that as a business owner, he has a certain way of dealing with people. “I always start politely. But once they come across as entitled or arrogant. I shut them down. I’m busy enough with nice customers so I don’t need these jerks,” he said. The scene is set. This oughta be good. Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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