In: Humanity, Idiot, Interesting, Shocking, Too True
When did the world get so d**n sensitive? (36 Photos)
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, but being overly sensitive and “triggered” by every little thing you’re offended by in no way gives you the right to insist others change to accommodate your emotions. Period. We live in a big world, with many different backgrounds, ethnicities, and ingrained ideologies, so for any one person, or group, to insist that everyone conform to their mindset is ludicrous.
Every year I like to do one post that puts the aggressively sensitive “woke mob” in the spotlight so people can see just how ridiculous things are getting out there. The strangest part is has anyone thought since the woke movement began and people have become more careful about what they say publicly that the world has become a more united place? Are we now inherently kinder to each other? I doubt you will find an honest soul who believes things have improved with the increased walking on eggshells in our everyday lives. I’d argue people are as divisive as ever.
I’ll finish and get off my soapbox by stating that I do understand that there are great and important social issues worth championing. I agree 100%. And sometimes people do take things too far and need to be put in check. However, not every single word, phrase, image, or moment experienced needs to be completely taken at face value; sometimes people say things in jest and a joke should be taken in the spirit it’s intended. Leave just a little space for grey before your brain autopilots to anger and social-shame mode.
If nothing else, can’t we all just give people the benefit of the doubt before we go nuclear on them? Is that really so much to ask?
BTW, if you like this message then please share it with friends & family. I think the world could afford to loosen up a little bit amidst these tumultuous times!!