In: DGAF, FAIL, Genius or Stupid, Humor, You got wasted
What’s the WORST Thing You Said to a Crush? (22 Gifs)
Okay, hear me out…. Met this dude on Bumble, met for lunch. I’m a biologist, I nerd out HARD on nature.
So we’re sitting outside at lunch chatting, and I hear a familiar buzz/whirring sound of a Large Green Fig Beetle in flight. They are common here in the Summer, and are this magnificent shiny metallic green, super pretty.
So the Beetle flys my way, and I go like full Steve Irwin and snatch this beetle out of thin air with my bare hands while we’re eating lunch. I show it to him and go into my random Fig beetle facts, and I look up and my date’s face is like ‘wtf’ …. Let’s just say he didn’t text me back.