lifestyle 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 56 The strangest sh** people have ever been caught doing (23 Photos) by: Staff In: Lifestyle, Weird, WTF Jul 22, 2019 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 56 1GIF When I bought my first pair of night vision goggles, I had them delivered to the TV station I worked at (not trusting my neighbors to leave my crap alone). So, I took a break and tried them out in the only truly dark room I could find. The mens room. A coworker came in, flicked on the lights, and was startled to find me in the middle of the room, blinded by the sudden flash of normal light, brushing my teeth in the pitch dark with night vision goggles.I had to go talk to HR about it. He was freaked out. -helljack Like this post? 0 Liked! 1 Disliked 56
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