In: Humor
Live onstage with Adam Carolla, a man fit to be president
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Somehow, for no rational or reasonable reason, Adam Carolla joined us live onstage here in Austin this past weekend to record a Chive Podcast in front of a crowd full of fans (mostly Adam’s, of course). Amidst all the election hype, we asked Adam what laws he would enact tomorrow if he were POTUS, and as you could imagine he had a lot to say. He also ranted about bad drivers, poorly thought-out hotels, and the damn unpredictable weather here in Texas. He even got a little serious and told us his one secret key to making a success of yourself, which everybody would be wise to internalize. Whatever the topic, you’re always in for a treat when Adam takes to the mic!
AND you absolutely need to check out Adam’s new documentary about the epic battle between Ford and Ferrari called ‘The 24 Hour War‘ which you can preorder now through and save $2 on the purchase. John and I got to watch a special screening of the movie ourselves and were absolutely gripped from the first shot till the last. And you don’t have to be a gearhead to appreciate this film — believe me, I drive an ’06 Hyundai Elantra, and know absolutely nothing about cars. Sorry, Adam.
Lastly, get your hands on Adam’s newest brew, Endless Rant IPA, which you can find online at It tastes amazing and it’s only 6.2 ABV which means you can have at least 4 or 5 before you begin to blackout. Perfect, right?
Thanks again to Adam for letting a few idiots join him live onstage (twice) this past weekend in Austin. It was a once in a lifetime experience we’ll not soon forget!