humanity 0 Liked! 2 Disliked 89 Guy creates a beautiful Nimbus 2000 fit for any Quidditch player (25 Photos) by: Staff In: Awesome, DIY, Humanity, Uncategorized Jan 25, 2017 0 Liked! 2 Disliked 89 1 If you don’t have magic to make a magical broomstick, you better have skill. Luckily that’s exactly what this Imgur user has, and it shows in the way he turned this piece of rough mahogany into something that could be straight out of a Harry Potter movie. This looks like one Nimbus 2000 fit for any master Quidditch player. His explanation is provided so you can have a little more insight on how he did it. Like this post? 0 Liked! 2 Disliked 89
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