humor 1 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 We’re surrounded by softies and morons. Too harsh? (36 Photos) by: Bob In: Douchebags, Funny Pictures, Humor, Idiot, WTF Nov 25, 2020 1 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 Submitted by iCHIVE user james.isteed0 (+100 Points) Maybe I’m just becoming an old man in a big hurry, but I sure do miss the days when you could say something in jest and those around you would laugh…you know…because that’s how jokes work. These days we live in an era of cancel culture and social shaming, and damn you if you don’t play by the new rules of the P.C. police! And the cost of all this aggressive social smearing is that we live in a society that walks on eggshells out of fear of being called a “bad person”. It’s really sad. So I like to post a gallery once a year, created entirely to spotlight the extremely stupid, and ultimately insane measures people go to these days in the name of “the greater good” — or so they say. The P.C. warriors can have their pity party when seeing this post, but I still live in a free country and enjoy having a laugh at the occasional provocative joke. Is that a crime? Seriously, is it? Moral of the story, park your high horse with this gallery, have a laugh, and take this humor in the spirit it’s intended. Chive On & Cheers! -Bob Like this post? 1 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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