People reveal when the bachelor/bachelorette party went a little too far (5 Photos)
“Here is a more upbeat story: the night before their city hall wedding, the bride and groom had separate big parties and got so wasted they both slept through the wedding. They didn’t realize it until city hall called asking where they were, and they said fuck it, we’ll do it later. They did eventually get married, and still are as far as I know, over 20 years later.” – khendron
“Fucking weird sex one. Bachelorette party turned out to be Homestuck themed, complete with Homestuck male strippers. (Please for the love of Christ DO NOT ASK WHERE I FOUND THOSE.) It got weird and the groom walked in on the bride riding a candy-corn colored horn. Groom noped the fuck out.” – Darklordofbunnies
“I used to work at an upscale wedding venue. Two weeks before a huge, expensive wedding, the groom’s father dies, so they ask us to turn the wedding into a funeral instead. They were a lovely couple, and it was really awfully sad when it happened, but I still use it as my go-to answer for “describe a time when you delivered outstanding customer service” type questions in job interviews.” – de_ebrietate_sua