“Downstairs neighbor when I was a kid was certifiable. Her little brat broke a window and she blamed it on me, even after her kid told the truth. After the landlord made her pay for it, she had her husband put a snake (just a small garter snake, totally harmless) on top of the clean clothes in the shared washing machine, nearly killing the poor thing from the cold. Of course my mom isn’t a fucking pussy, so after warming the snake back up she folded the neighbor’s clean, dry laundry, and put the snake in the middle of it. My mom said she never heard someone scream so loud in all her life, and the woman threatened to call the cops on us (not sure for what).
After that we started finding used sanitary pads outside our front door. And after THAT she called my school and tried to have me expelled by saying we lived in a different town. Except my mom was friends with the principal, and knew that wasn’t true, so nothing came of it.”