Husband surprises deserving wife with new car (Video)
“My wife has been driving the same car for 15 years. I was finally able to afford a new car for her. I gave it to her today for her birthday as a surprise. Its the one she said that she hopes one day she could have.” -Husband

A special needs day care, the forgotten children, and a miracle (36 Photos)
“Somebody said to me. ‘You know, your kids really aren’t that important to people.'”
Joanne Williams had been an educator of special needs kids for 14 years. She’d heard it before, though she never quite understood people’s compulsion to actually say it. Strong people don’t put others down — they lift them up…

Adorable little girl will restore your faith in humanity (Video)
Sometimes it’s the smallest things that make the biggest difference. This girl will definitely restore your faith in humanity.

3 friends get matching tattoos for the best damn reason ever (11 Photos)
Here is a quick story that illustrates the power of true friendship, exemplified by a beautiful act of solidarity. The event that led to the matching tattoos revolved around three friends named Garth, Andy and Mike, after a brutal attack all the way back in 2010.

Dad ‘forgets’ son’s birthday, pulls a tear-jerking prank (Video)
Forgetting your son’s birthday is one of the worst things you can do, but this dad turns it around with a tear-jerking surprise that knocks it out of the park.