humanity 1779 Liked! 7 Disliked 0 People impart their best fitness tricks to help keep themselves in prime shape (18 GIFs) by: Bob In: Awesome, Beautiful, Humanity, Inspirational, Ya Nailed It Mar 12, 2024 1779 Liked! 7 Disliked 0 1GIF mike_wrong27 I’ve done this for years. I pick a show I really like and only allow myself to watch it while exercising. It used to be at the gym, and then during the pandemic we were able to get an elliptical at home and put a TV in front of it. If I want to watch more I have no choice but to work out. And having something on I enjoy makes the exercise go easily. Supernatural was one of my workout shows. Like this post? 1779 Liked! 7 Disliked 0
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