humor 2804 Liked! 11 Disliked 145 Mildly Annoying Things Our Bodies Do (26 Gifs) by: Jackson In: Humor, Shit Happens, Too True, WTF, Ya Nailed It Dec 7, 2023 2804 Liked! 11 Disliked 145 1GIF Loafy-Bread When you’re tired until you get into your bed 2GIF Wyrmeye Nerve pain. When it feels like somebody is putting a cigar out in my knee. 3GIF SamuraiJakkass86 Water down the wrong pipe. Now you’re having a coughing/choking fit because your body forgot how to drink water. 4GIF Von_Blazen Upset stomach but can’t shit 5GIF hesaidshesdead Body: “Just to let you know, we’re gonna need to take a shit.” Brain: “OK, cool, I’ll take one when I get to a toilet in an hour or two, thanks.” Body: “I meant to tell you earlier, sorry bro, you have 45 seconds.” 6GIF zuperpretty Sudden random sharp butthole pain 7GIF Waddup918 Nasal cycling. One nostril stuffing itself up for the hell of it and then switching to the other. I mean come on. 8GIF ZombieCopLips That twitch that your eye gets, especially annoying if you’re mid conversation 9GIF Not_Jim3 Intense torso pain out of nowhere? Cool. Let’s just wait for that to stop. 10GIF 9outof10timesWrong Fell like I’m falling or tripping while laying in bed 11GIF oft1234 When it’s quiet at work and then my stomach makes a fart noise 12GIF shaunbowen The fact that 90% of things that ever go in my eye are eyelashes. 13GIF Ratikiru That fucking thing where you get stabbing pain in your left tit and it hurts to breathe for a little while. Once you’re convinced you’re having a fucking heart attack, it stops. 14GIF Casca_In_Red Muscle cramps. Like, hardcore Charley horse sort of stuff. Completely unpredictable and horrifically painful. 15GIF Junior-Muscle-7400 For me it’s my period could be two weeks apart, could be a week apart could be eight weeks apart there is no rhyme nor reason to when I get it. I used to get warnings it was coming and now it comes out of nowhere so that’s fun! PCOS is freaking hard to live with. 16GIF Sad-Lawfulness6831 So, occasionally, I will feel really nauseous. 45 seconds or so after, I’ll sneeze. What the fuck?.. 17GIF EdithsCheckerspot Restless legs 18GIF Memento_Morrie Clicky jaw. My jaw has sometimes stuck open. 19GIF No_Statistician_9240 Sleep paralysis. It’s terrifying. 20GIF LongShine433 Back issues. I sneezed and herniated a disc so I’d call that fairly random. The human spine is a fundamentally flawed design 21GIF Coffee-Historian-11 Migraines. Especially when I have one and have to walk up and down stairs. It’s pure hell, every step makes my head pound and ache in a very sharp and painful way. Also going from standing/sitting/laying down to something different. The change hurts so bad. 22GIF scatteredwardrobe Those deep ass bone itches. Like no matter how hard you scratch your skin, it doesn’t scratch the itch. It’s to the bone man lmao. 23GIF Necessary_Stomach_57 I can grow a whole ass baby but not a limb if I lose it? But I could have a tumor randomly grow spare parts? That is just a mockery! 24GIF Waddup918 When I got into my 30s, some of my eyebrow hairs decided to morph into 18 gauge wire living right next to normal wispy hair. Grows twice as fast too. 25GIF Patterson_hill_dream When I stand up too fast I feel like fainting. It’s like the blood declined Amazon prime and now has to fly standard to my brain. 26GIF Ho! Ho! Ho! We come bearing gifts! New Christmas Tees at The Chivery! Santa is delivering fantastic shirts all while wearing new boots! No one wants coal in their stocking, but a quality Chive t-shirt makes for an amazing gift! Order yours by December 8th to help ensure delivery by Christmas! Like this post? 2804 Liked! 11 Disliked 145
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