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The internet meme - the giver of truth and laughter to people all around the world. It doesn't matter your age, color, gender, sexuality, or spelling ability; there are funny memes out there for you. We have some of the best memes ever, ranging from classic memes that have gone viral to obscure memes that only the most astute nerds will get. There are even funny adult memes that your parents and grandparents will enjoy and will probably leave you confused. That’s OK old people confuse everyone.
Memes not only entertain, but they can also educate. How many of us even knew there was such a thing as the Tide Pods challenge without funny memes?! Memes can also be used to communicate a wide array of social and political issues. It doesn't matter what side of an issue you reside on; there's a meme for you. There are also plenty of hilarious memes that make light of serious issues, sometimes making them easier to digest.
While we have a collection of some of the funniest memes ever, we are always looking for more. If you’re a meme creator looking for a home for your work, please submit your entries to us. You may find them in a future article. Also, please share our collection of hilarious memes with your family and friends. Brighten their day! Share the joy that only funny memes can bring.