Pick Up Lines /pik/ /əp/ /līn/
Phrase: 1) A phrase used by someone to try and engage in either a romantic relationship or a sexual encounter.
2) When done correctly, the pick-up line is a crucial tool in dating. When misused, it is the source of ridicule, shame, and maybe even a punch in the face.
3) One of the first things a woman often remembers about their boyfriend or husbands, so make it count!

Hello baby, do you work at McDonald’s? Because I'm lovin' it! Depending on how you're wired, you either rolled your eyes, or you just laughed your ass off. Welcome to the world of cheesy pickup lines. Whether you're a man or woman, you've heard or even had funny pick-up lines used on you.


If you love listening to or reading about corny pick-up lines, then you've come to the right place. We have the best pick-up lines with everything from dirty pick-up lines to corny pick-up lines. Odds are you may have even used some of these bad pick-up lines and probably learned your lesson quickly.


So why are cheesy pick-up lines a thing? Funny pick-up lines turn out to be corny pick-up lines at best and bad pick-up lines at worst.


Our collection of funny pick-up lines are perfect for home and work. Please share these posts with everyone you know. They could use a bit of education in the art of the pick-up. Also, if you know of some corny pick-up lines that we've missed, please send them to us! We love submissions from our followers, and you may see some of your bad pick-up lines in a future post.